My oldest brother graduated from Fox Valley Technical College this last weekend. He's the first of the Anderson clan to graduate from a post-secondary institution, and we are all very proud. I had the opportunity to visit home for three days to see the event. I'm pretty sure that's the longest I've been home in quite some time, and it was long over due. It was perfect timing for me because I really needed a break from work, school etc.
Anyway, the main thing on my agenda aside from the graduation, and eating some amazing food (my mother is an incredible cook), was doing some fishing. My parents live on a lake, and I got out Tuesday morning bright and early.

This large mouth bass was my biggest catch. It was about 18 inches and weighed two pounds. Not a bad fish. The rest were all pretty small, but I was just happy to be out on the lake.

Not pictured here is a norther pike that was a little over 20 inches. It wasn't close to being a keeper, but it put up a good fight and bent the hell out of the spinner bait I was using.

After catching a few fish, and a nasty sunburn, I got to go cut some wood for my old man. He had me cut down a tree around Thanksgiving last year that had some branches removed by the electric company. Apparently dead limbs hanging over power lines isn't a good thing. So I had started it six months ago, and got the chance to finish it up. My parents have a wood furnace, and cutting wood, surprisingly, is something that I really miss.

On a side note, I used the camera on my phone, and I'm really happy with the quality of pictures it takes. Every other phone I've had has taken pretty crappy pictures.