About a month ago Melissa was getting ready for her senior show. She was a graphic design major, and had to display her project in the student gallery along with the rest of the soon-to-be graduates. Well, she asked me to help her build a stand to display all her work (she was designing products for a fictitious coffee shop: Milieu.) Go check out her
Here's us in front of her stuff and the stand. Anyway, after she was done with the giant hunk of wood, she gave it to me so that I may use it for a minibar in my apartment. I thought it would be a pretty sweet addition to the kitchen/living room area, especially since my roommate is moving out and taking our kitchen table.

Every bar needs a good name and sign, so I made one up the other day. I soon realized, however, that I am terrible at typography. I probably could have figured it out all the spacing and a better font, but the whole thing ended up being way more labor intensive than I had planned.

I also did a little addition to my studio space. I've had a sheet of peg board for a while now, and finally put it back up. But when I did that, it looked a little cluttered on my desk, so I built a shelf out of some scrap wood I had lying around. Needless to say, my apartment smells of sawdust, wood stain and varnish. It's great!