Almost 20% of Americans think Obama is Muslim. It says one thing about our overall intelligence, but says something else entirely about the effectiveness of spreading falsehoods and fear-mongering.
It comes as absolutely no surprise that Glenn Beck is very adamant about there never being a Mosque built near the ground zero location in New York. But apart from many aspects of Beck that I'll never fully understand(nor do I want to) I do have to marvel at his latest rally of note given in front of the Lincoln Memorial on the 47th anniversary of MLK's "I Have A Dream" speech. He had said that it was merely a coincidence and that those who criticized were just trying to smear his good name. I'll leave you to judge, but I know how I feel about him.
Alas, I have reached my anticlimactic 200th blog post. It might be fitting to show a bit of a recent accumulation of freelance work. I just finished up doing 10 illustrations for a special issue of "The Capitol." They were pretty fun to do. I used graphite and photoshop, and I was pretty happy with how they turned out.